Me and Hubby with new baby

Me and Hubby with new baby

Friday, May 30, 2008

Happy Friday

I'm once again starting Friday really busy. I need to finish packing up my scrapbook stuff and head out the door. I plan on being at the Scrapbook Tree from at least noon till midnight. I need to get caught up a bit. I'm sure all you scrappers out there know that getting "caught up" is really impossible. It's stupid to even say, because we know it will never happen. I really should do some laundry before I go and clean my bathroom, make my bed, make the house look presentable before the husband comes home. I know he really thinks I do nothing while I'm home except for playing on the computer. (ssshhh it's party true)

I also need to stop at the store to pick up a few items for the new puppy. A crate, a small travel cage, some food, those sorts of things. Maybe a toy or two. My poor daughter's head is just spinning. One minute she thinks we are getting the puppy and the next she thinks she is not! She likes to look at the puppies online and when she did yesterday it said sold next to Bud's name. (sold to me that is.......hehe) So she is now kinda sad thinking the one she wanted is sold to someone else!!! (I am sooooooo mean) She is making me laugh, but at the same time I feel kinda bad for her. She has pretty much figured it all out, but I really want her to be surprised. My hubby and I keep telling her that we don't think we'll have the money for a few more weeks to buy the puppy but my dear friend Tammy and I are actually picking them up tomorrow in Indiana. I feel a little bad lying to her but she will forgive me by late Saturday night!!!! I can't wait to see these two pups. Tammy and I have already discussed play dates for them. They are brother and sister, so of course, we have to keep them together in some way.

Everyone have a wonderful weekend. I will post pictures of our new addition on Sunday!!!! We will all be in puppy heaven by then.


DeeDee said...

What a great picture!

I have a friend that hosts scrap weekends. She just had one and I heard they scrapped from Friday afternoon at around 5 until Saturday morning at around 10 before they all fell out and slept for a few hours and started all over again. I think she said they all left her house sometime Sunday afternoon between 3 and 4.

Crazy scrappers!

Happy2bme said...

Very cute pic.

Awe you're getting a puppy too. How exciting. Its nice that they will have each other to play with.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

I saw the pics of the puppies on Tammy's blog. SO CUTE!

Hope you had a great time scrapping. I wish I could find the time for an afternoon like the one you described!

Mama Smurf said...

Where'd you go girl?!