Me and Hubby with new baby

Me and Hubby with new baby

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Thirteen things about me

I was tagged for the first time by Tammy to give you 13 unintersting facts about myself so here they are.

1. My husband and I were married in Las Vegas in 1995. We adore Vegas. Shortly after we even started talking about moving there. It wasn't necessarily the casinos or the strip that made us want to up and move but the mountains, desert, scenery, temperatures really lured us. We loved EVERYTHING about it. We even went so far as to scout out the area and talk to Realtors. At that time we could have bought a brand new large house for a steal, compared to what the prices were in Michigan at the time. We were pre-approved for a mortgage, looked at tons of model homes. Drooled. My husband was even going to transfer to UNLV to finish his teaching degree. I do hair but I'm not quite sure what I would have done there. Showgirl maybe? LOL Well our families prayed it didn't happen and guess what? Their prayers were answered. We backed out. Chickened out is more like it. Every time we go back or see something on t.v. about Vegas or watch movies that take place in Vegas it tugs on our hearts, making us wonder where we would be today if we had gone. Perhaps homesick.

2. I have worn fake nails for almost 6 years now altogether because if they come off I am an awful nail biter. My nails look like crap with out them.

3. I went to church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and every Wednesday night till I was almost 18. On Wednesday nights during the teen youth service a couple of us would sneak out and smoke behind the church or walk across the church field to Chuck E. Cheese and hang out there for a while. I don't think we ever got caught. I'm sure if we did I would have remembered it.

4. When my husband and I were dating we used to make out in my car in the way back parking lot of my church. It was very nice and secluded, so we thought. We got busted for that one time. We got busted for that in quite a few other places also now that I think of it. HEHE.

5. Before we had kids we did it on the jungle gym, middle of the night, at the elementary school my kids now attend. Every time I think about them going out for recess and playing on it I giggle.

6. The first time I got drunk and puked was when I was 21 years old. The last time I got drunk and puked was watching American Idol with my husband last year. We drank a 12 pack between the two of us in one hour. I have not done that since. YUCK!!!!!! Don't want to repeat it any time soon.

7. My beautiful daughter is a little souvenir from Cancun.

8. My silly son is the product of a great birthday!

9. My baby boy on the way is a product of our insanity.

10. I love to scrapbook. I could do it for hours on end. My friend Tammy got me into it about 8 years ago. It takes me around 2 hours to finish a layout.

11. I have done hair for a living since 1990. I really love making people look nice. I truly have never gotten sick of it. I work in a not so trendy hair salon. It is very family friendly. The salon I work at has been very good to me over the years, but after my baby is born I am hoping not to have to go back to work. I would like to set up a nice salon in my basement and work at home. Work when I want and don't work when I want.

12. I ran/walked in the Detroit Free press Marathon last year, along with my husband and a bunch of friends. I finished in 5.5 hours. I am proud of myself for accomplishing it but I seriously don't know if it is on the top of my list of things to ever do again.

13. I love all kinds of music but I am a HUGE Def Leppard fan. I have been since I was 12 or 13 and will be till I die. Two years ago I discovered fan fiction on a bunch of Yahoo groups and I swear that is all I did for months was read that stuff. There are a gazillion fiction stories about the band written by fans out there. It was cheesy, but I was addicted to it just as I'm sure I will become addicted to blogging. It drove my husband nuts. I think he thought I was going to leave him and follow the band like a groupie!!!!! Tammy from My Life, my dear friend has teased me to no end for my Def Leppard craze. My husband has taken me to their concert every year for the past 5 years. He loves them also, but not in the groupie way that I do. They were suppose to be here a month ago but had to cancel a week's worth of concerts due to band illness. I was so disappointed, being I have had my tickets for months. Guess when the concert is rescheduled for? Yep!!! the week of my due date. I am having a scheduled c-section the week before my due date so we will see if I am up for a concert with a week old baby!!!!! Damn it, I will be there. I won't even have to smoke any dope at the concert because I will still be on Vicadon!!!!!!


Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

OOOOOOOOHHHH on #5! practically scandelous! :O)

Looks like I picked up your insomnia for ya (you're-welcome-very-much). I got so little sleep this weekend I'm sooooo tired today. Glad to hear you're sleeping better!

Anonymous said...

Def Leppard was my very first concert :) I was 18 and they were touring with Europe. I saw them at the Irvine Amphitheatre in California. Just saw them a few years back in Cinncinatti. Pretty cool :)

Marni's Organized Mess said...

I love the facts of where your kids come from. My next will be from a product of insanity I am just sure of it.

Happy2bme said...

#5 - LOL!! Wow...of all places!!
Great list btw.