Me and Hubby with new baby

Me and Hubby with new baby

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I suck at this!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. I'm still enjoying mine as I don't have to go back to work till Tuesday! I have been so busy I haven't posted anything in over a week. So I'll just fill you all in on what my week was like.

Last weekend was my girl's weekend. Scrap booking, eating, bull shitting together! It was wonderful. A special thank you to my husband for vacating for two nights for us with the kids to his mom's down the street so we could take over the house. We had a really good time. Thanks to all my friends who came. We need to do a whole weekend like this every six months for sure.

On Tuesday July 1rst my hubby's grandma Ceil had her 95th birthday. We celebrated at the Boneyard. Her favorite resturant.

Our family with Great Grandma on her 95th birthday
I worked Tuesday thru Thursday at the salon. Nothing real eventful happened during those days. I am so tired when I get home from work now. Although, Randy and I got to watch episode 3 from season 5 of Nip Tuc. I can't wait for our show to come back on in the fall. I miss it. Sitting down on the couch watching mindless television has always been one of our favorite things to do at night after we put the kids to bed. We have watched every episode ever made since February.
I am now 33 weeks. Only around 45 more days till my c-section. I am so anxious!!! I can't stand being pregnant anymore. I feel okay, I just am sooooooo over it. I can't bend over or tie my shoes or any of the normal stuff, it's killing me.
We celebrated the 4th at Randy's mom's house. Ate all day long!!! She does not do small BBQ. There were ten of us there and she cooks for 40. Later that night we went to the neighborhood behind my brother and sister in law's house. For any of you Eminem fan's out there, this is where he lives. It's a gated community that backs up to the elemtary school where my niece goes. They put on really good fireworks every year. We can see them great from the parking lot of the school.

Fireworks at the mansions

My doggy Bud hiding from the sun

Me and Allykins

Randy and John my two favorite men!!!


Mama Smurf said...

That's the SECOND time you've gone to my boyfriend's house without inviting me....I'm starting to take this personally!

Glad you had a great day with Grandma! I can't believe she's 95!

PS...Randy....are you sure the Dodge Park loop is only 83 miles...I coulda sworn the sign said 109! hmph...I stand corrected! ;)

LittlePaintedPolkaDots said...

Great pics! Looks like you had a great weekend!