Me and Hubby with new baby

Me and Hubby with new baby

Thursday, May 15, 2008


It is currently 2:54 a.m. and I'm up. Why? I wish I knew. So I am up, reading some blogs and enjoying that so now I'm really not sleepy. I should go to bed because I know I will be tired tomorrow, but I can't. Everyone else is sleeping, its not fair. I'm sure by now my 8 year old daughter has found her spot in my bed upstairs and I will have to move her over to fit in when I finally do make it up there. Here I thought getting a new king size bed that it would be big enough!!! NOT. Now I don't condone her sleeping in my bed at night but she usually ends up snuggled next to me by morning anyway. I want to say it drives me nuts that she is 8 and won't stay in her bed but in some small way I enjoy it because I know it won't last much longer. Soon enough she will be a teenager and want nothing to do with me. Although, I did warn her that when baby Bret gets here in August that he will be in a bassinet in my room and she may want to start thinking about how she could stay in her own comfy bed at night.

Anyone out there pregnant and have a cure for insomnia? I haven't slept much this week at all. Mother's Day evening I went to bed at 11pm and got up at 1am and didn't go back to bed till Monday night. UGH!!!!

Anyone else have a remedy for a precious baby with a large head poking into your ribs and causing you pain? I really need a cure for that one. Hmmm...I think the only cure for that is to wait the rest of my 3 months and he'll be out!!!!!
My eyes are finally blinking so I'm off to sleep. Let's hope!!!!
Night all!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! Welcome! When I was pregnant with my first baby I had terrible insomnia. Fortunately for me I was back in school and used that as an opportunity to get some studying done. I would literally work on homework from 1-3 AM until I couldn't keep my eyes open. But when I got pregnant the 2nd time, that wasn't an option; so I'm feeling your pain!

Good luck with your pregnancy. You look wonderful :) Keep everyone up to date with pictures!

Mama Smurf said...

You figured out the comment thing on your own! See!

HA you have insomnia not because of the baby but because now you are thinking of what your next blog post will be! LOL!

jessica @pianomomsicle said...

Congrats on getting into blogging! It's a disease, but a good one.

i have no cure for giant baby heads, sorry. i'm not looking forward to it in a couple months, myself, either. The good part is, in the scheme of things, it doesn't last long, right? i don't know. It sucks not being able to sleep because of being jabbed in the ribs.

Thanks for commenting on my blog! Have a good day!

The Maid said...

Stumbled upon your blog today...and had to laugh. I am currently expecting...and am frequently unable to sleep. I get itchy. It drives me I asked my midwife and Benadryl is okay to not only helps the itching, but it puts me to sleep!

As far as the baby's head...just slap him around a little. Just kidding...we don't know each other, and you might not get my wierd humor yet! LOL

By the way, if you are up late again anytime soon, visit my blog and read my post about "Insomnia and Infomercials!"

If it doesn't put you to sleep, maybe it will make you smile!

Congrats on baby number 3!

The Maid

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Yay! Welcome to the bloggy world. I can't read what you have to come. Any friend of Tammy's is a friend of mine. She's won my heart. :)

PS. I suffer from MAJOR insomnia too. I finally just got on a med that is helping. Good luck!